Marian Mantle Group

"Do whatever He tells you."  

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Prayers for Prodigal Catholics
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Marian Mantle Online Prayer Group Update
March 26, 2004

We Join in Prayer Under the Mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary

[Please send your prayer requests to or]



Hi, Everyone,

     Wonderful prayer reports today.  
     A daughter-in-law who has always been quite opposed to Catholicism, asked her  mother-in-law to lunch a few days ago.  After more than 13 years of marriage and three beautiful children, and the many prayers of her mother-in-law and others, she asked her astonished in-law to help her make arrangements to join the Catholic Church!  It is a miracle of prayers answered, bigtime!
     Another mother shared with me that her son is a sponsor for an RCIA candidate this Easter.  This son was married in the Church.  His wife left after only two months of marriage.  He stopped going to any church.  Then he met another young woman who was not a Catholic.  They married.  Through the influence of a co-worker, the wife decided to become Catholic.  The son got his first marriage annulled, their marriage was blessed by a priest, and both are active Catholics in their parish today.  His mom said she did nothing but "pray, pray, pray" for a miracle for years and years.
    A woman came up to me after my talks in Iowa last week.  She said she had almost given up hope for her prodigal.  She was ready to quit praying about it.  After hearing the Silent Strength presentation she was determined to "keep on praying!"
Praise God!
    My cousin had a problem of a different sort this week.  Her grown son (husband and father) disappeared on a way to a meeting.  His car was found but he was not.  We all did nothing but pray when we heard the news.  I was privileged to be at her home when she received word that he had been found alive.  He had fallen and lay unnoticed for 36 hours.  I have not heard the extent of his injuries yet, but as Sister Mary Jo Kennedy, who was with us at the time said, "Now that we know where he is, and that he is alive, God will handle the healing."  To say that we in the house rejoiced at the news is an understatement.  Faith was alive and well in that mother throughout those hours.  From that her example, and from the example of Mary, Mother of Jesus, we gain strength to face our own personal hours of anguish over our prodigals.  We MUST turn to prayer and place them in God's hands.  He WILL be with us and with our loved ones through it all.
     I know everyone welcomes those new members who have joined with us today.  We are all in this together.  As our online group grows, please remember to pray with us (even if all the time you can spare is to utter the words "Help, Lord!) every Friday at 3:00pm.  The Marian Mantle group prays the rosary and the chaplet of Divine Mercy in front of the Blessed Sacrament at that time.  We pray for your prodigals, our prodigals, and for all the names that have been written around the picture of Our Lady of Sorrows.
      God bless all of us and grant us His Peace.

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[Prayer intentions submitted to this group are shared only in the semi-weekly email update sent to members of the online prayer group.  Please keep all of us and our prodigals in your prayers--just as we will pray for you.]



Malachi 3:10:  I will open the windows of heaven for you and pour out a blessing so great you won't have room enough to take it in.

(From the Franciscan Prayer Affiliation Bulletin, Vol15, No 1, March 1987, Dubuque, Iowa.)

It seems God is ever reminding us that only when we truly love others and help them in their need can we come to love him.  Each of us can have an impact on our little corner of the world if we strive to heed God's word and walk in His ways.  Such goodness, like yeast in dough, like the  mustard seed, grows and affects ever-widening areas and number of people.  But only BY GOD'S POWER at work within us can we bear fruit.

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     Please tell your family and friends about our prayer group and about the Silent Strength presentation.   MaryAnn will go wherever she is asked to speak--no matter the size of the group.  There is no fee.  She does ask that Kansas City area groups take a freewill donation or that she be given a stipend to cover gasoline to and from the meeting place.  For groups outside of KC, she asks that travel expenses be provided.
     Please give the email address to any of your
family and friends who might benefit from joining our online prayer group.
--If you are seeing prayers answered, we want to hear about it.**
--Do you have a question you would like to ask the group to answer?**
**Please email or phone 913-526-8977.  If no one
answers, please leave your name and phone number and a good time to return
your call and I will call you back.

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