Marian Mantle Group

"Do whatever He tells you."  

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Prayers for Prodigal Catholics
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Marian Mantle Online Prayer Group Update
July 16, 2004

We Join in Prayer Under the Mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary

[Please send your prayer requests to or]



Hi, Everyone,
First of all, I apologize for this update being a few days late.  Along with having a table at the women’s breakfast at our parish this weekend, I was in the middle of painting a couple rooms in our home. Something had to be put on hold, and it turned out to be this update.  I promise not to do that too often if you will promise to try to understand when it happens.

      I received an email last night that I want to share with you—especially those of you who wonder why it sometimes takes so long to have a prayer answered—or perhaps you have prayed for so long you wonder if your prayers will EVER be answered.  I don’t know who wrote this, but it seems appropriate for those of us who pray for the grace of perseverance in prayer for our prodigal loved ones.  Here it is:


               I placed an order at a fast food restaurant and paid. The cashier said, "Pull over there and park. I’ll bring your order when it’s ready.” I was a little upset and impatient.  I thought, "How come other guys get their orders and I have to wait?"  Just as I was about to give up the cashier finally brought my order. Of course I asked, "What took so long?"
                She replied, "You wanted a special sauce, it doesn't usually come with that sandwich so it was a special order and took a little longer."
                Could this our prayers? We make our request to the Lord. Our menu is His Word, where He has listed promise after promise. We stand before Him and request and plead and beg.  We pay, with prayer, with suffering, with obedience, and sometimes with nothing.
                Then we wait for our order. If God doesn't fill it quickly we become upset. "I prayed to You yesterday, and You still haven't answered. I can't wait much longer. I've seen people who have had their prayers answered right away!”
 We tap on God’s window and ask if He has forgotten our order. We become impatient, upset, downright mad.  “Lord, I've been waiting for months or years! Where are You and why haven't you blessed me?”
                And God opens the window and says, “Please park and wait a while longer."
               Do you know why you have to wait? Why it seems as though God has not heard you or does not care? Why it seems like you have had to go through more tears, more pains, and more struggling? Because this blessing is a Special Blessing! This is an Overflowing, Pressed-Down, Shaken Together Blessing! It’s a Special Order God has been putting together for you.

                How many people have walked away and missed their blessings because they did not persevere in prayer?   Hang in there. Keep on waiting. You made Special Order, now wait while God gets it ready!]
    May God bless all of us and grant us His Peace.


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[Prayer intentions submitted to this group are shared only in the semi-weekly email update sent to members of the online prayer group.  Please keep all of us and our prodigals in your prayers--just as we will pray for you.]


[Response by an online  prayer group member to the Letter from Kansas in the July 4 update which told of two prodigals who had returned to church and then asked “Is this a coincidence or it possible our prayer group’s prayers could be answered so quickly?”]


Dear Kansas,

     Is it possible?  You answered your own question.  You know it is.  Why the wavering?  Timing?  By whose measure?  Ours? Perhaps because we are of this world, it is hard to comprehend. But sometimes results can be instant.  Sometimes it can be hours - a day.  Sometimes a few days.  A Week.  Weeks.  Months.  Who knows but God?  And yes, sometimes it can take years.  It can also be after we are no longer here.  But is it possible?  No question.  
     YES! Our Mother is constantly working to help and protect us. Jesus listens!
      It's natural to question as human beings.  Answers can amaze and baffle us (and even bring more questions).  The key is (in the phrase) let go - and let God.  Let go of the doubt the possibility seems to be causing.  There's a battle - a spiritual one - in the question.  Doubt is what the devil uses to try to snare us. It's his only claim to any sort of victory. And Our Mother has dominion over the devil.  And since we're praying, he is trying ever harder to question our belief. Have faith! Don't let him snare you. Trust.  Trust in all the things you pray for. Have confidence. Confidence that Our Mother hears you.  Did you not think she would answer? Isn't it great that something so encouraging happened that can fuel us to stick to the task to the end?
     The lady whose son told her he was thinking about joining the church again is still not finished.  There is still much to be done.  Until action is taken, words are just that, words.  The devil may try to snare us in doubting because just that much news seems so quick.  But, so what?  Like any person or family, there are situations and circumstance we know not of.  Therefore, we cannot stop praying for the son. He too will have questions. And struggles. He will need guidance, direction and support. We need to pray he gets it - and more.
      The other lady's son will need the same.  Those we pray for - as well as ourselves - have a lot of questions.  So keep praying. There is much work to be done.  And thank God!  Thank him that he gives you such hope!  Hope because news of not one, but two boys are talking and thinking about what they are doing. And one of them involves his own children - Praise God!  HE is answering.  What more do you need to know?  

Keep praying - it's W O R K I N G !!!     


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For I alone know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for good and not for evil, plans to give you the blessing you asked for. ~Jeremiah 29:11~

Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for your soul.   Matthew 11:29-20


Excerpts from the 12 Promises given to Saint Margaret Mary for those who are devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus:

Promise #2. I will give peace in their families.
Promise #3. I will console them in all their troubles.
Promise #5. I will abundantly bless all their undertakings.
Promise #6. Sinners shall find in my Heart the source and infinite ocean of mercy.


Prayer to the Sacred Heart
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I implore that I may daily love thee more and more.

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               If you would be interested in being on the list of those who attend and pray or pray at home while MaryAnn is speaking, please let us know by email or phone 913-526-8977.  We try to have at least one or two people who attend each talk and pray during it.  Of course, we are always asking  people to lift Marian Mantle and its efforts in prayer.  We firmly believe it is prayer that makes this effort so well-received and allows us to reach many who are hurting—both the prodigals and those who love and pray for them.



               Prayer Groups:  Now, you can find a list of prayer groups that pray for prodigals or post the information about your prayer group on the web site.

               Back issues of The Mantle:  Previous Online Prayer Group updates have been archived on the web site.  Specific prayer requests have not been posted for viewing by the general public.  The MM Group feels these are personal and should remain private and shared only within our online group.



               “Silent Strength: Has Someone You Love Left the Church?” is scheduled to be given at Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Olathe, KS on October 11, 2004.
               If you would like more information about getting this talk scheduled in your parish, please email



               We are working on the next issue of the Newsletter.  If you have something you with to include, please contact us.



               The talk is now available on tape or cd and can be ordered from the web site. 


--If you are seeing prayers answered, we want to hear about it.**
--Do you have a question you would like to ask the group to answer?**
**Please email or phone 913-526-8977.  If no one
answers, please leave your name and phone number and a good time to return
your call and MaryAnn will call you back as soon as possible.

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