Marian Mantle Group

"Do whatever He tells you."  

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Prayers for Prodigal Catholics
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Marian Mantle Online Prayer Group Update
October 22, 2004

We Join in Prayer Under the Mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary

[Please send your prayer requests to or]



Hi, Everyone,
     Welcome to all those who are new in this group!  Several are from my home parish at Prince of Peace in Olathe, Kansas. 

     I’m happy to report a busy, but enjoyable two weeks for me.  My concerns about not being taken seriously among my own people proved to be unfounded, Praise God!  My presentation at Prince of Peace was well-received.  Several shared their own stories afterward with me.  The nice part about it all is that now we know we are in this thing together and we can pray for each other and for each other’s children.  I must apologize to our new members in that I have been very slow getting back to them after speaking.

     However, I hope you will accept my reason for the slowness.  Last weekend, my son’s wedding was a beautiful day filled with the help and good wishes of family and friends, and blessed with beautiful weather.  The celebrant, Father Dennis Wait, made it a special, spirit-filled experience.  Along with a rose, the couple gave each of their mothers a rose-scented rosary at the sign of peace.  I have to confess that when they presented roses to the Blessed Mother, more than one tear slid down my cheek as I thought of the long struggle she had seen us through and the mantle she had thrown over my family to protect us from so much that the world sends our way.  Her example gave me, and continues to give me, the strength to trust God in every situation--especially those that seem impossible to change or accept.  Bob and I are still rejoicing in welcoming our new daughter-in-law.  She and her family will always be our special “answer to prayer”.

     So, welcome, if you are new to this group.  If you ever have a question, or need to talk, just email me at or phone 913-526-8977.  I will be happy to try to provide an answer about the Marian Mantle Group or else find someone among us to answer it for you.

     May we all continue to be blessed with the perseverance of St Monica and the patience of the father of the prodigal son as we continue to keep our prodigal loved ones, and each other, in prayer.

     May God bless all of us and grant us His Peace.



ps For those in the KC area who may be interested, the movie THERESE', the story of the Little Flower opens here next Friday the 29th.  For more information go to  or email me.

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[Prayer intentions submitted to this group are shared only in the semi-weekly email update sent to members of the online prayer group.  Please keep all of us and our prodigals in your prayers--just as we will pray for you.]


Our daughter will have her wedding reception this coming weekend and I need to be strong. This wedding was not in the church because she has not had her first marriage annulled in the church. That is a disappointment but I must say that I really do like and respect my new son-in-law very much. We are praying that all will fall into place and that someday in the future they will have their marriage blessed in the church and again receive the sacraments.  ~Mom~


I love getting your newsletters. It is nice because I do not feel like I'am the only one with a problem. Others have much greater problems than I. This way I can shift my "feeling sorry for myself" to help others with theirs through prayers. I have a few request for prayers. I would like to pray for my husband, who has alot of anger toward his mother. And also for my son, who is away, that he and his dad can have a closer relationship than they have now. They get along, but tensions still exist. I do occasionally say the rosary, but unfortunately slip up at times. ~anonymous~


My son hasn't called home in months., I pray that he is doing well with his classes and will come home for the holidays. When I really start to worry it helps me to remember this group, that many of us are sharing the same worries and fears.  Then when I start the rosary and ask Mary to watch over him, the worry and fears lessen immediately.  It's as if Mary is taking over mothering him when I can't.  ~kansas~
 Thank you so much for your prayers and support.  There has been little change in my family situation, but I continue to hope and pray and lean on the support of the group. ~annonymous~ 


 I just wanted to thank you again for your personal time with me, for adding my children to the prayer list.  I have read with interest all the entries since & do pray for everyone.   ~Kansas~


I really wanted to write to say I will be praying for your son & his bride & your family next weekend.  What a very joyous time for your family and how wonderful to celebrate with them!  My married daughter just had her fifth baby so we are celebrating also, but somewhat bleary eyed!  How precious they [grandchildren] are.  The 2 year old loves the music from Seussical the Musical so much & has been going around singing, “a person’s a person no matter how small.”  How beautiful to hear such wisdom in contrast to our present culture.   Thank you again and keep up the good work!  ~Kansas~


Wanted to tell you how great it is to know there are others praying with me for my children and theirs.  I have no one else to pray with me.  The rest of my family laughs when I mention my children not going to church.  It makes me cry when I stop on Friday afternoons to say a prayer and know that so many are joining me.  Tell everyone thank you and that I am keeping them all in my prayers everyday.  ~Florida~


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You who dwell in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shadow of the Almighty, Say to the LORD, "My refuge and fortress, my God in whom I trust." Whoever clings to me I will deliver; whoever knows my name I will set on high. All who call upon me I will answer; I will be with them in distress; I will deliver them and give them honor. With length of days I will satisfy them and show them my saving power.   ~Psalm 91:1-2, 14-16~


(Why pray with others?)

"Private prayer is like straw scattered here and there:  If you set it on fire it makes a lot of litttle flames.  But gather these straws into a bundle and light them and you get a mighty fire, rising like a column into the sky; public prayer is like that."  ~ John Vianney~ 


(Since it is October, the month of the Holy Rosary)

"The power of the rosary is beyond description."  ~ Archbishop Fulton Sheen~
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Watch for more information to be added to the web site now that my time is a little more free once again.  All updates which have not been posted will be uploaded in a few days as well as information and prayers which members of this group have submitted.   




            If you would like more information about getting this talk scheduled in your parish, please email  There is no fee asked other than travel expenses.



--If you are seeing prayers answered, we want to hear about it.**

--Do you have a question you would like to ask the group to answer?**

**Please email or phone 913-526-8977.  If no one

answers, please leave your name and phone number and a good time to return

your call and MaryAnn will call you back as soon as possible.

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