Marian Mantle Group

"Do whatever He tells you."  

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We Join in Prayer Under the Mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary

[Please send your prayer requests to or]

Marian Mantle Prayer Group Update For June 29, 2006










Hi, Everyone,

    The update is being sent a day early because I am going out of town this weekend. 

    Lately the words to a song have been constantly running through my mind.  I think they are from a Psalm but I haven't had time to look it up.  "If we don't praise His name, then the rocks and hills will cry out!"  I have so much to be thankful for I really do feel like I should stand on the top of the highest building in downtown Kansas City and shout "The Lord has done great things for me.  Blessed be the name of the Lord!"  

    No, life isn't perfect.  My computer is too slow, my house needs cleaning, my bills need to be paid, I'm behind in my work, and I continue to pray for prodigal loved ones and for friends and relatives who are going through difficult times and it breaks my heart to see them suffering.  But, no matter what is going on, God is with me!  God is with them! God is with you! This is the Day the Lord hath made!  Let us rejoice and be glad!    In the words of the poem "Pippa's Passing", God's in His Heaven.  All's right with the world!

    Let us say an extra prayer this weekend for our nation and for our military men and women who travel in harm's way overseas today.  May God bring them safely home to their families and friends and a grateful nation.





[Prayer intentions submitted to this group are shared only in the semi-weekly email update sent to members of the online prayer group.  Please keep all of us and our prodigals in your prayers--just as we will pray for you.]


+Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us and for our children.
+St. Benedict, pray for us.
+St. Jude, pray for us.
+St. Monica, pray for us.
+For all our prodigals to find the truth and return to the Lord and His church.
+For all those unspoken intentions in our hearts known only to us and to God, and for all previous intentions of this list.  




The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them.  O taste and see that the LORD is good! Happy is the man who takes refuge in him!  ~Psalm 34:7-8

Free your mind from all that troubles you, God will take care of things.  Trust in Him, I beg you, and you will have the fulfillment of what your heart desires.


-- St Vincent de Paul



Dear MaryAnn,

You mentioned Pentecost miracles.  One of my dear friends in our prayer group has had the annulment of her previous marriage granted after many years of trying to get this done.  She visited with our bishop a while back and he told her it would be accomplished by Pentecost.  She got word a few days after Pentecost Sunday.  This same woman saw a Christmas miracle when her sister returned to the Sacraments.  God is working!    ~Kansas


Dear Editor,

My son Thomas has started to go back to church and now wants to baptize his two little ones.   ~ Anonymous


Note from MaryAnn:  Last time I asked the men in this group:  “Have you seen the hand of God at work (either in in tiny, subtle ways or huge, visible ways)?  Do you have any suggestions to share on how to live with the situation?  We need your wisdom.  Please share yours by emailing a few words to  As always, all names will be kept private.”
     We have at least ONE wise man among us.  You can read his email below. (I was hoping for at least three as that would have been biblical
J!)  Are you listening out there, gentlemen?  It’s still not too late for you to let us hear from you.

Dear MaryAnn,
          We have to TRUST that God has the situation [our prodigals] under control, ASK for the wisdom, strength and peace to endure the situation, PRAY the He uses the people and circumstances in your prodigal's situation for their good, OFFER up every Eucharist you receive for the opening of eyes to the TRUTH or the re-awakening of the TRUTH in their hearts.  ~Kansas



+Print Newsletter:  The MMGroup had a wonderful surprise in the mail this past week as several of you sent stamps.  Every time one of you does something like this we say a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord for His people who are so kind and so giving.  The next issue of our newsletter should be mailed somewhere around July 15th. It’s a little late due to my recovery time, but it’s getting there.  We can always use more stamps if you have some to spare.  If so, send them to Marian Mantle Group, PO Box 434, Gardner, KS  66085.  Do you have some thoughts you would like to share with the readers.  Send them to me in an email and we’ll put them in the newsletter.  New members, if I do not have your postal address we won’t be able to mail a copy to you.  Please email ASAP.  Thanks.

+ Please print a copy of this update and take it to your next prayer meeting to share prayer requests, etc with everyone.

+Updated Web Site  Look around the web site if you haven’t been there for awhile.  I’ve been updating the pages with more information and trying to make it easier to find your way around.  If you have suggestions or see any problems, please let me know. 

+Share the Good News:  If you have seen prayers being answered in regards to a loved one beginning to turn back to the Church to please send me an email about it.  We need to hear these praise reports to spur us on to continue in prayer and trust.  First names only, please.  As always we will keep all names anonymous if you wish.  Write now, please.

+  Catholic Family Life Conference In Wichita, Kansas: The Marian Mantle Group, in conjunction with the Hutchinson area Silent Strength Prayer Groups will host an information booth.  If you are at the conference, please stop by and say hello.  The dates are August 4-6.  Learn more at their website  If you live in Hutchinson you can contact Barbara at for more information.

+ I am trying to get caught up on email, phone messages, and orders for materials. I will never, knowingly, ignore any of your messages or questions.  I have simply been unable to answer with any regularity for the past 10 months, and things pile up when not attended to every day.  You have all been so kind and understanding.  The best way you can help in this regard if something has been left unanswered is to contact me again.   or 913-526-8977.  I will be so happy to hear from you.