Marian Mantle Group

"Do whatever He tells you."   Jn 2:5

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We Join in Prayer Under the Mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary

[Please send your prayer requests to or]

Marian Mantle Prayer Group Update For September 22, 2006












Hi, Everyone,

          The vote is in and you overwhelmingly voted to continue to receive this update in email form. Your prayers are needed by so many in this battle for the souls of our children and beloved prodigals.  We have this proven over and over again, as it was last Friday when Johnette Benkovich’s Women of Grace, re-ran the radio program from Sept 1 when Bob shared with her about our experience with Our Lady of Sorrows and about the Marian Mantle Group.  Once more, the phone began to ring immediately and calls have continued every day from people who heard the show and wish to join with us in prayer for their prodigal Catholics and for ours.  In fact, at least one person has called every day for the past 22 days, from the first time the program aired.  Today a woman called from Colorado Springs, CO and requested prayer booklets for 10 others.  She received hers from a friend in PA who heard the program and sent her a copy of them.  It’s sad to think about how widespread the issue of lapsed Catholics is, but we can also rejoice that we have so many prayer warriors joining with us.  I know your prayers, the prayers of parents and others for their loved ones, are heartfelt prayers.  We trust the Blessed Mother will carry them to the Throne.

          Please share with me your experiences with the power of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.  Tell me, in two sentences or many, why you pray there, what you have experienced there, your favorite Scripture about the Eucharist.  Are you an extraordinary minister of the Eucharist?  Again, I ask you—why, what, who, whatever you have to relate about the Blessed Sacrament in your life and the lives of those you love, I would like to hear it.  Please email to or write to Marian Mantle Group, PO Box 434, Gardner, KS  66030.  New members!  You are most welcome to share your thoughts and experiences, too.  Don’t be shy!  We’re glad to hear from you!

          With great joy, we again welcome several new members.  As this group prays together and grows, each time our pain and sorrow is shared with another, it diminishes a little.  Just as each time we learn of a prodigal returning, joy and hope multiply in our hearts and we gain strength to meet another day with prayer and trust.  We are grateful to those of you who learn about us and tell someone else.  That is the way we all have found each other—by friends telling friends.  Please consider calling Johnette at 877-99TRUTH (the live call-in show from 10-11 Central time), the Women of Grace office at 1-800-558-5452 or email from the web site at .  Thank her for helping to spread the word about our group and share with her whether or not you find value in the prayers and the group itself.  We don’t know how many prayers it takes to provide the grace to soften the heart of a prodigal—but every new member adds to the possibility of all of them finding a way to come home.

          A anecdote from my childhood is on my mind today so I’m going to share it with you.  My mother often said that when I was a toddler, she and I were in the doctor’s office waiting room.  A little boy had a balloon and it suddenly burst.  The little boy began to cry.  Mom said I walked over and picked up all the pieces of the balloon and told him, “Don’t cry.  My daddy will be coming soon.  My daddy will fix it.  My daddy can fix anything!”

          When my son strayed from the Faith and I saw our dreams for him break into little pieces, I finally realized I couldn’t fix anything.  Perhaps it was that image of “father” from my childhood that led me, at age 50+ to trust that God, the Father could and would “fix anything.” And taking into account all the “we don’t know when, we don’t know how long it will take, we don’t know if we’ll still be alive when our prodigal returns, we don’t know, we don’t know, we don’t know…”  it is that same trust in a loving Father that continues to keep faith and hope alive in my heart that I know He WILL make a path for each of our prodigals to return—if we persevere in prayer.

          May God grant each of us the perseverance of St. Monica and the unconditional love of the father of the Prodigal Son.  May the day come swiftly when we, too, are able to say “the child for whom I have prayed has come home.”





+This group is really growing in numbers and we could use some help.  Please email  if you might be able to help in any of these following areas or would like more information or call her 913-526-8977:

          ***We need some “work-from-home” volunteers.  We are praying for one-three people who have a little time, and would be willing to help me manage some of record-keeping, etc.  This can all be done from your computer through email so it could be done from anywhere.  I promise to keep the workload light and not overload you.  This would be ideal for someone who would like to help in this effort but doesn’t want to spend a great deal of time doing so. If you are interested, please email MaryAnn.

          ***We need some “pray-from-home” volunteers.  Again, this can be done from anywhere.  If you would be willing to spend time in prayer for special needs as they arise—such as, during Silent Strength seminars, praying for volunteers to appear,  and other needs, please email MaryAnn.

          ***We need some “willing to come over and help” volunteers.  Occasionally, we need some help with folding and taping newsletters (every six months), packaging orders for mailing, assembling prayer books, and other things as they arise.  If you live in the Greater Kansas City area and could help from time to time, (either at Sanctuary of Hope in Kansas City, Kansas (we often do the newsletter folding and taping there), or at the Marian Mantle office in the Gardner’s home in the Stanley-Stilwell area) please email MaryAnn.

+You have been so generous with stamps.  Thank you, thank you.  Please don’t stop.  They are one of the things always at the top of our needs list.

+Praise God, we have an artist who has volunteered her time as much as she is able.  Please pray for her as she is disabled and suffers a great deal at times.  We would be happy to have more of you with artistic talent also join us.  Most of our need is for small sketches to use in the newsletter.

+Writers, writers, writers.  You DO NOT need to be a talented writer to write for our newsletter.  We need your thoughts.  We will gladly edit your writing once we receive it.  You write.  I’ll get it in the newsletter.  Email me.  MaryAnn


PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR September 22, 2006

[Prayer intentions submitted to this group are shared only in the semi-weekly email update sent to members of the online prayer group.  Please keep all of us and our prodigals in your prayers--just as we will pray for you.]


+Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us and for our children.
+St. Benedict, pray for us.
+St. Jude, pray for us.
+St. Monica, pray for us.
+For all our prodigals to find the truth and return to the Lord and His church.
+For all those unspoken intentions in our hearts known only to us and to God, and for all previous intentions of this list.  




Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. 

~ Proverbs 30:5




For almighty God. . ., because he is supremely good, would never allow any evil whatsoever to exist in his works if he were not so all-powerful and good as to cause good to emerge from evil itself.

-- St. Augustine




+Thanks to J.M.J. and the Holy Spirit for the success of the Marian Mantle Prayer Group.  Praise God!!

~NOTE:  I Lost the Name of the Person who sent this.  Sorry.  MaryAnn


+Thought you would enjoy this.



+WOW, I went online and could not believe how many prayer requests there are. GREAT JOB ! There are a lot of people who really do need a lot of help. And the prayers of the Marianmantle have actually helped. Guess What? My daughter was hired to be a dispatcher for an ambulance company and starts next week. Plus she received a letter from the Fire Department stating that she was one of the many invited to take a test. this is a one day only test to see if she will qualify to be the dispatcher for the fire department. My daughter said that this is the Job she really wants. Please tell everyone that I am praying for them and pray that they will soon be out of the situations that can’t even be imagined. I pray for you and your family. Please don’t stop praying for me and my family. Thank you.  ~Love You from a Friend


+ I would be happy to take part in the [online] prayer group.  Currently, I am not working due to 3 previous back surgeries and I've been looking for other "meaningful" things to do.  I deal with Chronic Pain as a result of the back surgeries and have been lucky enough to also inherit my  mom's chronic asthma and allergies!    God has been good to me though and is showing me a new way to live and path to follow.  As my mom has told me, we need lots of people to pray in the world and I can Always pray despite all the medical things going on.   ~Kansas



+The “Silent Strength: Has Someone You Love Left the Church” Seminar is available as a presentation given by MaryAnn--either in person at your group, or as a CD presentation.  For more information, email


+Stamp Contributors.  My heartfelt thanks to those who send stamps to help with the newsletter mailing.  We will continue to try to provide the newsletter at no cost.  Your help with postage makes it possible.  God bless each of you.


+ Please print a copy of this update and take it to your next prayer meeting to share prayer requests, etc with everyone.


+Share the Good News:  If you have seen prayers being answered in regards to a loved one beginning to turn back to the Church please send me an email about it.  We need to hear these praise reports to spur us on to continue in prayer and trust.  First names only, please.  As always we will keep all names anonymous if you wish.  Write now, please.


+Audio Recording of Rosary Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows for the return of our loved ones to the practice of the Catholic Faith is now available.  Be sure to indicate if you want CD or Cassette Tape. Suggested donation for Audio Rosary Novena is $10. email your order to, or send to Marian Mantle Group, PO Box 434, Gardner, KS  66030


+At your request, inexpensive Prayer Cards for your adoration chapel or prayer group are again available in quantity:  Cards have a picture of the Pieta on the front and the Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows:  For the Return of Our Children to the Practice of the Catholic Faith on the back.  Suggested donation is $5/50 cards or $1/6.  These are available in both English and Spanish.


+Please forgive me if I have missed your prayer request or other email or phone request.  I assure you it was unintentional.  Just contact me again and I will try to answer your questions, etc.   ~MaryAnn