Marian Mantle Group

"Do whatever He tells you."  

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We Join in Prayer Under the Mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary

[Please send your prayer requests to or]

Marian Mantle Prayer Group Update For November 17, 2006












Hi, Everyone,

            Thanksgiving gives us a moment to pause in our busy lives and thank the One who has bestowed so many blessings on us in the past year.  I hardly know where to begin my own litany of praise and thanksgiving to a God who has blessed me this year with our first grandson, a mother who was a witness to faith up to the moment of her death, a return to normal use of my arm, a loving family, and all the friends in this Marian Mantle Group who I met in person, through email, letters, or on the phone.  Your prayers and words of support have sustained me through good times and difficult times.  I have watched in awe as the Lord and His Blessed Mother have brought person after person into our circle of prayer simply by one member inviting another.  Many of you have contacted us after you received the prayer booklets and asked for more to share with friends.  New prayer groups have sprung up across the country.  What is so awesome to me is that we grew so much when I was least able to function physically.  I come to you at the end of this year not only with an arm repaired and healed better than the experts believed possible, but with a renewed and strengthened belief that God IS on our side, that you and I just might be walking the path He wants us to walk here at Marian Mantle.  I firmly believe that God wants ALL of His children to come home.  I believe He wants each of us who pray for our loved ones, to first look inside our hearts and discover what we need to change in ourselves.  I believe He will give us the strength to make those changes if we ask for it.  I believe that if we do that, our collective prayer for our loved ones who have strayed from the Church will help them find their own way to the truth.

            I often tell someone who is trying to establish a “Silent Strength” prayer group, or who is trying to organize a “Silent Strength” presentation in their parish, to take things one step at a time—to pray for the help they need to accomplish their goal—to not be concerned about numbers.  I advise them to just keep stepping forward and let God take care of the rest..”

            Bob told me today how his prayers at Mass for the prodigals in our family and yours have changed over time. He said he first began by offering his time at Mass, then added his communion.  His offering prayer at Mass has evolved to include offerings of his attempts to overcome his sinful nature, his willingness to love those people he finds difficult (Hmm.  Hope he doesn’t mean his wife! :-), and other sacrifices of daily life.  He sees each offering as laying a stepping stone on the path our prodigal Catholics will need to walk when they return. He said, “We never know which prayer, which act of charity, which sacrifice will be the one which completes the path.”  He prays that each effort of his will allow someone to safely take one more step along a path that often winds through a wilderness of temptation and over rivers of doubt.  After he shared this, I came across today’s Scripture used in our “God’s Word for Us” section.  I knew it was what I needed to hear.  Perhaps you, too, will find it meaningful.

            May God grant each of us the perseverance of St. Monica and the unconditional love of the father of the Prodigal Son.  May the day come swiftly when we, too, are able to say “the one for whom I have prayed has come home.”






+ “Pray-from-home” volunteers.  If you would be willing to spend time in prayer in your home, for special needs as they arise here at Marian Mantle, please email MaryAnn.


+  Articles for the print newsletter.  This will be mailed around the 7th of January. Article deadline is December 15.  500 words or less.  Email for more information.


+Eucharist Stories:  Tell us about the Eucharist and how it has touched your life. Your  words will help someone else!  We will not print your name if you wish to remain anonymous.  New members:  You are most welcome to share your thoughts and experiences, too.  Don’t be shy!  We’re glad to hear from you!


+Rosary Stories:  Do you pray the rosary for your prodigal loved one? Why do you choose the rosary?  Reply to this email with your answer.


+Stamps and whatever type of help you can offer



+Please Note:  Since we have members across the country, representing almost all the States, there were many prayer requests for specific candidates and issues.  To prevent this online update from becoming a political bulletin board, our staff decided to combine all those prayers into this request:  For wisdom for our elected and appointed government leaders and wisdom for you and me as we went to the polls this past month and as we continue to vote in the future.  We ask God’s blessings on the United States of America and all the people and nations of the world that we may live in peace with each other and glorify the name of the Lord together.


[Prayer intentions submitted to this group are shared only in the semi-weekly email update sent to members of the online prayer group.  Please keep all of us and our prodigals in your prayers--just as we will pray for you.]


+Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in You.

+Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us and for our children.
+St. Benedict, pray for us.
+St. Jude, pray for us.
+St. Monica, pray for us.
+For all our prodigals to find the truth and return to the Lord and His church.
+For all those unspoken intentions in our hearts known only to us and to God, and for all previous intentions of this list.  




            But immediately he spoke to them, saying, "Take heart, it is I; have no fear."  And Peter answered him, "Lord, if it is you, bid me come to you on the water."  He said, "Come." So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus; but when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, "Lord, save me."  Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him, saying to him, "O man of little faith, why did you doubt?"       ~Matthew 14: 27-31


Error may flourish for a time, but truth will prevail in the end. The only effect of error ultimately is to promote truth.  ~St. John Newman




She Prays and Trusts

            Although 3:00 pm each day does not work for me to pray, I do remember the intentions of those in Marian Mantle regularly.  I know we must trust in the power of God with these wayward kids – I just need to deepen that trust.   ~Ann (a mom)


Our Prayers Were Answered!

            My oldest daughter and grandson were murdered in 2001.  My surviving children and I were just overcome and lost for sometime following their deaths and the trials of their killers.  My oldest son was 18 when they were killed. [He had been so touched by the deaths he even rejected his childhood Faith] The following year he quit college and couldn't keep a job.  He finally joined the Army.  He was injured in a training accident and after 6 months left the army on a medical discharge.  Contact with him became sporadic.  He finally stopped calling home.  He moved and didn't tell me, I found out when his mail started being returned to me.  It's been over 3 years since we saw him, and over 2 years with no contact with him. During this time I hired a private detective, reported him missing, ran personal ads in the newspapers, did just about everything I could to locate him.  When I joined the Marian Mantle prayer group I found some peace for myself. Praying the rosary for him helped me accept that he is a child of God's and only in my care temporarily.  I hoped that his core faith and upbringing would at some point bring him back, hopefully before he did anything too stupid.  He is also on our parish prayer list, and I include him in weekly prayer requests in my CSS (Catholic Scripture Study) group. 

            Last Friday night he called.  My younger two children and I were just going crazy when we realized it really was him and he was ok.  After everyone calmed down, he told me he went into a church on Wednesday.  He didn't want to go in.  He stood in front of it for almost 20 minutes then just walked in and sat down.  He didn't know why he was there.  He said as soon as he sat down he knew he had to call Mom.  Of course he thought that was crazy, so he left the church but couldn't shake the feeling he had to call Mom.  He said the feeling grew stronger over the next 2 days, until Friday when he couldn't stand it and started dialing.  Then he couldn't get me!  I was off work for Veteran's Day, he left several messages there.  There were several messages on my cell phone.  Finally he caught me at home, where I almost didn't answer because I was sure it was one of the kids' friends, and I didn't want to get up for that. 

            He had been using and selling drugs.  He has been through two rehab programs and is now sober.  He has started praying again, but still has doubts about how God can love us and allow terrible things to happen.  He has a great deal of remorse about his behavior, and was sure that none of us would want anything to do with him.  He was amazed that we went nuts over him.  We've spoken every day since Friday.  I'm making plans to visit him, and he will come home for Christmas.  Of course I'm hoping he'll want to come stateside permanently, but we'll take it one step at a time.  To be honest, I didn't think I'd ever see this kid again.  I hope our story will give hope to other families not to give up on their prodigal children.  God is truly awesome.

                                                 ~Mom in Kansas





 + Please print a copy of this update and take it to your next prayer meeting to share prayer requests, etc with everyone.


+Today we announce a new section of the Marian Mantle Web Site    Several members of this online group  previewed it and offered their suggestions.  After their review we did some revision and are now putting the finishing touches before we display a live link on the web site.  You all are invited to preview it and send any feedback to  The purpose of this section to offer another way to focus on the grace and mercy of God while praying in your home or office.  To visit this section go to


+Our thanks to Mary Ellen, from Iowa who has sent us pamphlets on Tips for Saying the Rosary from Pope John Paul II.  If you would like one, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope (business envelope is best but we can fold to fit in a smaller envelope) to Marian Mantle Group, PO Box 434, Gardner, KS 66085. 

Prayer group leaders if you would like multiples, please indicate how many and add an extra stamp.  Thanks.


+Christmas Orders:  If you wish to give any of our prayers or recordings as Christmas gifts, please order soon.  To order: phone 913-526-8977, email, or postal mail: Marian Mantle Group, PO Box 434, Gardner, KS  66030.  Check our web site for information.

            Some Suggestions:

1.  Combine the Rosary Novena booklet and the Audio recording to make a thoughtful gift.

2.  Two items which have general themes and are not specifically for those who pray for prodigal Catholics are:

      >The table top book “Be Not Afraid” (with the words and pictures of Pope John Paul II)

      >The book Through Her Eyes and Other Mediations on the Mysteries of the Rosary  (the mysteries as the Blessed Mother might have viewed them)


+“Silent Strength” Retreat-Seminar will be presented in the Sanctuary of Hope Chapel in Kansas City, Kansas on the afternoon of January 21, 2007, at 2:oo p.m..  MaryAnn will share her story.  Father Dennis Wait will lead the short prayer service and Laurie Oswald will lead us in song.  There is no charge.  A free will offering will be taken—which will be given to Sanctuary of Hope in thanksgiving for their generosity to us.  Please invite a friend to come with you.  Your invitation may be the means of helping someone be able to find peace and let God into their situation—and may help to “clear the path” for a prodigal to return home.  Call 913-526-8977 to reserve your seat.  If you would be willing to provide transportation for someone who needs a ride to this retreat, please email 


+Stamp Contributors.  My heartfelt thanks to those who send stamps to help with the newsletter mailing.  We will continue to try to provide the newsletter at no cost.  Your help with postage makes it possible.  God bless each of you.


+Please forgive me if I have missed your prayer request or other email or phone request.  I assure you it was unintentional.  Just contact me again and I will try to answer your questions, etc.   We did have some hardware problems lately and may have lost some of your requests.  If so, we apologize. Please re-send ~MaryAnn