Marian Mantle Group

"Do whatever He tells you."  

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We Join in Prayer Under the Mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary

[Please send your prayer requests to or]

Marian Mantle Prayer Group Update For December 29, 2006


++Infant of
Prague Novena




Hi, Everyone,

I’m sure we all have blessings to count on this New Year’s Eve weekend, even if we are going through difficult times we can take comfort in knowing God and His mother are walking with us. 

A personal thank you to our prayer group leaders who took my request for prayers to your prayer meetings.  We’ve been rejoicing that my second group of medical tests came back with good results—a 180 degree turn around in diagnosis from two weeks before!  Again, I want to shout “prayer works!”  

The first draft of the newsletter “Silent Strength” was completed today so we should be contacting those who volunteered to get together for a mailing soon. 

My fervent prayer and that of the entire MMG crew is that the New Year will bring many reports of prodigals who have returned to the Faith.   Our resolution here in the office is to increase our efforts to reach those who are hurting and help them turn their anxiety to peace and positive action on behalf of their prodigal loved ones.  With your help and your prayers, I know this is possible!

Now, I would like to share the following with you.   My mom had a great devotion to the Infant of Prague. She credited the "Little Infant" as answering many prayers and sending many miracles into her life—a baby born when pregnancy seemed impossible, another baby who lived through a life-threatening illness on Christmas Eve. Mother told of miracles large and small that happened when she turned to the Infant of Prague.  She truly understood His words "The More You Honor Me, the More I Will Bless You." 

Her mother gave her the statue.  When I was growing up we often saw a candle burning in front of it.  When Mom grew elderly, my sister gave her an electric vigil light which she always kept lit.  When she woke at night, she said the light reminded her that Jesus was near--as if He were saying to her, "Do not be afraid, your friend is with you."   My sisters give that statue to me at her funeral this summer because several years ago, the hands broke off when it fell and I replaced them and restored the statue.  Mom told me to remember that He would bless me for it.  At the time, I thought of St. Cyril to whom the Infant came in a dream and asked him to restore the hands that had broken of the parish statue during a war.  When Bob and I visited the National Shrine of the Infant of Prague in Oklahoma while my son was still a prodigal, one thing I prayed was, “I gave you back your hands.  Please bring my son back to the Church.”
   May we all have joy this holy season, the joy of the Lord.  I pray each of you will be comforted and hear that little infant say to you, "Do not be afraid, your friend is with you."   I share this prayer with you this Christmas. May it bring you special blessings.


Storm Novena to the Little Infant of Prague
(A day of "storming heaven" with prayers. Pray one time every hour for nine times)

O Jesus, Who has said, "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened," through the intercession of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I knock, I seek, I ask that my prayer be granted.  (Make your request)
    O Jesus, Who has said, "All that you ask of the Father in My Name, He will grant you," through the intercession of Mary Your Most Holy Mother, I humbly and urgently ask your Father in your name that my prayer will be granted. (Make your request)
    O Jesus, Who has said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away but My word shall not pass away," through the intercession of Mary Your Most Holy Mother, I feel confident that my prayer will be granted. (Make your request)
    In Thanksgiving: Divine Infant Jesus, I know You love me and would never leave me. I thank You for Your close Presence in my life. Miraculous Infant, I believe in Your promise of peace, blessings, and freedom from want. I place every need and care in Your hands. Lord Jesus, may I always trust in Your generous mercy and love. I want to honor and praise You, now and forever. Amen.


[Prayer intentions submitted to this group are shared only in the semi-weekly email update sent to members of the online prayer group.  Please keep all of us and our prodigals in your prayers--just as we will pray for you.]


+Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us and for our children.
+St. Benedict, pray for us.
+St. Jude, pray for us.
+St. Monica, pray for us.
+For all our prodigals to find the truth and return to the Lord and His church.
+For all those unspoken intentions in our hearts known only to us and to God, and for all previous intentions of this list.